Sacred Geometry

The Double Tetrahedron:

This is the Double Tetrahedron (or Star Tetrahedron) layout of our Mandala Garden (above). A double tetrahedron is composed of two interposed three-dimensional triangles. In two dimensions (above) it would appear as a six-pointed star. One triangle points up, representing the positive flow of energy which is spinning clockwise. The other points down, representing the negative flow of energy which is spinning counter-clockwise. At the center of the two is balanced energy.

In three dimensions each triangle has four sides (three panels plus one base) and four points. This Octahedron, as it is called, is the most symmetrical and therefore stable structure in geometry and in our universe. It has been proven that everything in the universe from the smallest subatomic particles and quarks, to the human body, to hurricanes, to the earth, to the solar system and even super-cluster galaxies, arrange and align themselves along this very simple, yet solid, structure. In other words, this geometry represents nature, life and even consciousness itself.

We hope that by designing our garden in such a way, we invite this universal consciousness to energetically balance this space and enlighten our produce with love and light. 

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